RSViP Live & Online- Let's Get Inspired!
Join your hosts Fiona Duncan-Steer and Matt Davies, as we hear stories from our two creative speakers this month- BBC Journalist, television presenter, content writer and dad Al Booth, as well as accomplished screenwriter and children's author and illustrator Vince Cleghorne, who has sold a whopping 92,000+ copies of his books within six months.
6pm-7.30pm- Speakers + Q&A
7.30pm-8pm- Networking in break-out areas (optional)
Author, Illustrator and Screenwriter.
“A children’s author should only be as silly as their middle and last names.” – Vince Adolphus Cleghorne (children’s author)
Vince spends his waking hours writing about animals that won’t be quiet, kids with huge hair, and very smelly witches. He’s been a film director, cartoonist, BBC playwright, screenwriter, and a ghost-writer. He has an unshakable ‘Go for it’ attitude and once landed in LA with very little cash, a huge suitcase, an animated screenplay and all of his fingers crossed. His claims to fame include buying Gandalf a whisky and attending the same school as a Beatle. He has written award-winning screenplays, novels, and children’s books, earning him praise from DreamWorks SKG, Richard Branson, and HRH the Prince of Wales. Vince is inspired by his son Kyle and his granddaughters Amber and Hollie and at present lives in Liverpool’s Georgian Quarter, with two very spoilt cats and a wealth of possibilities.
Vince has sold more than 92,000 copies of his children's books in six months with no agent representation, though recently has been offered representation, he turned it down- join us to find out why.
Broadcaster and Content Writer
Al first came to Nottingham when he hosted the drive time show on Trent FM (now Capital), Since then he's presented on Gem, and currently freelances at BBC Radio Nottingham. Al also pops up as host of Notts TV's "Ey Up Notts" and once upon a time managed to persuade 4 bars in Nottingham to add mead to their drinks menu....all of these bars have since closed....
Specialising in writing positive, conversational style copy, Al is Hosting and producing a new parenting podcast, 'How To Be A Dad' - a 12-episode podcast from Dadsnet, focusing on the early stages of becoming a father, with his time now spent sourcing and interviewing Dads from across the UK, researching and booking experts, script-writing and audio editing from his home studio.
Al will share his story with us and we may even manage to persuade him to share his secrets on how to make the perfect Yorkshire pudding!
BOOK YOUR PLACE: https://rsvipnetwork.co.uk/events/RSViP-Live-and-Online-Let's-Get-Inspired-April
RSViP Live & Online- Let's Get Inspired
Join us to celebrate RSViP’s 1st year of online networking events with a fabulous mini wine tasting with RSViP member Debbie Ault from NottsDerby Wine School, as well as inspiring storytelling and informative natter with our guest speakers, as we discuss things events and advertising, with the UK’s numberone and original FOMO Creator: MayKing Tsang & East Midlands Business Link magazine group's, Sales Director Angie Cooper.
6pm-6.15pm- Mini wine tasting session (optional)
6.15pm-7.30pm-Speakers + Q&A
7.30pm-8pm- Networking in break-out areas (optional)
Debbie will show us how to sniff and slurp like the experts and show us how to pair cheeses too! So grab yourself some Fizz or a New Zealand Sauvignon (if you’re that way inclined) and either some creamy goats cheese or feta and Debbie will help us rejoice in our online milestone- or whatever your favourite wine as this is about the basics of tasting.
May King Tsang
May King Tsang is the UK’s #1 and original FOMO Creator: Bridging the gap between Social Media and PR for your product, service or next event. May King is a…
1. LIVE Content Creator. On a typical day she tweets on average 1200x, (548 at virtual events) 100 stories, 12 posts (Facebook +/or Instagram) and LinkedIn posts per speaker (22 is her record so far) all created LIVE.
2. LIVE Social Media Reporter, interviewing business owners, online challenge creators
conference organisers, attendees + sponsors. These interviews are shared across my client’s many Social Media Platforms and also my audience on Social Media too.
3. Chief Pom Pom Shaker hired to help Facebook, LinkedIn and online communities during a Digital Challenge with comments, questions and queries.
Angela Cooper
Angela Cooper Sales Director for Business Link magazine group, a family run business with over 36 years in the publishing world, with titles covering many genres from Business to business, Food and Drink International (field to fork) and lifestyle. Angie has worked in all departments starting in editorial, to the groups merchandising- then group photographer before ending in sales, which is her passion. No two days are ever the same and everyday is a school day, as Angie love's learning about new businesses, helping established firms to raise their profiles and of course helping with raising awareness though their various marketing platforms. Angie has two grown up sons, a rough coated Jack Russell called Humphrey and a few too many horses she loves to ride and compete on.

RSViP Live & Online
Join us as we welcome two incredible speakers; qualified plant based nutritionist Dr Terri Holloway, who will cover the topic 'wellbeing in business' and will share how we can look after our health in order to be the best versions of ourselves. Also joining us is Darren Stanton AKA The Human Lie Detector, who will share his story and tips on body language, influence and the power of persuasion.
4pm- 5.30pm- Speakers + Q&A
5.30pm-6pm- Networking in break-out areas (optional)
Darren Stanton
Darren Stanton left behind a successful career as a frontline police officer to become a renowned expert on Body Language, Deception Detection and Influence and Persuasion. The media simply call him, the Human Lie Detector. Darren has made his mark in the public eye assessing some of the world’s biggest names in showbiz and politics, such as political heavyweights Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, Donald Trump, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. His eclectic list of celebs stretches from the likes of Johnny Depp and Taylor Swift to Katy Perry and Tom Hiddleston to name just a few!
The Human Lie Detector is no stranger to the airwaves having been a guest on most radio stations in the UK.
He’s also appeared on shows including BBC's The One Show, ITV This Morning, Judgement this crime stories and several crime documentaries, as well as being a professional keynote speaker and author.
Dr Terri Holloway
Dr. Terri Holloway is the founder of SwapMeat, and a qualified nutritionist specialising in plant-based diets. Her passion for this subject began with a life-threatening health incident which inspired her to research alternative forms of disease prevention.
Following a personal journey of research and dietary discovery, Dr. Holloway earned a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Nottingham’s School of Biosciences and has assisted many in significantly reducing cholesterol, fat and other risk factors associated with chronic diseases.
Dr. Holloway also holds a Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. She has taught Business Communications courses and has travelled internationally presenting her findings on the benefits of plant-based diets, as well as supporting the UON Ingenuity Lab more locally.
BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE HERE - https://rsvipnetwork.co.uk/events/RSViP-Live-and-Online

RSViP Live & Online- Let's Get Inspired!
Happy New Year to you all!
We are so pleased to be back following a month away from the office for the Festive break.
We do hope you are feeling well rested and have had a positive start to 2021 so far as much as possible in spite of the circumstances we still find ourselves in. For obvious reasons, we will be continuing with our RSViP events live and online via Zoom and whilst we realise online events are never going to match up to in-person events; however creative we try to be, we make a promise to you here and now that we will endeavour to provide you with the best quality experiences as we only know how and as such are excited to kick off 2021 with two amazing speakers for you...
RSViP Live & Online
Thursday 28th January 2021, 4pm-6pm
Join Fiona & Matt on Zoom
~Keeping Connected Through Conversations ~
4pm- 5.30pm- Speakers + Q&A
5.30pm-6pm- Networking in break-out areas (optional)
Steve Judge
At the age of 28, a devastating car accident left Steve Judge fighting for his life and following life saving operations was subsequently told that he may never walk again”
Not leaning on his excuses he set goals, turning his excuses into challenges learning to stand and walk again. Steve continued his journey which took him from wheelchair to two times World champion in the sport of paratriathlon.
Now as a professional speaker he has received numerous awards and talks internationally. He’s also an established author and has set up and now runs his business as a resilience coach and runs goal achieving workshops.
Steve’s ongoing mission is to help people, inspire others and motivate many, which is what he will aim to do on 28th January at with us at RSViP.
Serena Simmons
Serena has over 25 years experience working in the field of psychology and is Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society and member of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology. She has also been a Senior Psychology lecturer at Nottingham Trent University for the last 15 years and has engaged in private practice in psychological consultancy for over 12 years. Serena now runs her own successful Positive Psychology Consultancy, The Psychology School with premises in Cobden Chambers in Nottingham (UK).
Serena is also well known for her work in the area of Forensic Psychology, namely Serial Violent Crime. Having worked previously for HM Prison Service and Rampton Hospital in a practice position, Serena brings with her a deep understanding of what it takes to truly address Behavioural Change and Peak Performance in all aspects of Life and Business.
BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE HERE: https://rsvipnetwork.co.uk/events/RSViP-Live-and-Online-lets-get-inspired
RSViP Business Bounce Back 'The Power Of Marketing In The Digital Space'
Now more than ever it is important to stay connected.
The power of digital is endless- just how powerful; we are about to discover...
This month Fiona & Matt talk to two digital marketers - Trevor Lorkings aka The Digital Alchemist and digital marketer and LinkedIn specialist Charlie Whyman, as we hear their stories of business trials, tribulations & success, with discussion on the power of marketing in the digital space PLUS tips on how to brush up on your LinkedIn skills.

RSViP Business Bounce Back - Conversations & Come Back Strategies
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.